Motion and Rest: Screen Printing Workshop

Welcome to Motion and Rest. My goal is to share something new weekly via the Motion and Rest e-newsletter. As a bonus for subscribers, I'll share a workout, album review, or some other exclusive tidbit in each weekly e-newsletter. If you've already subscribed, thank you and please double check your sp*m folder if you haven't been recieving emails.

This week I've been distracted. I was going to say "busy," but who isn't? I wanted to share a comic about the three hours of treadmill running I did due to the snow we got in Portland this week, but I was distracted by creating images for a two part screen printing workshop I'm doing this and next week as part of the IPRC Comics Portfolio Program. One of the reasons I started a "weekly" newsletter was to force myself to be okay with consistently pushing out artwork and writing that is good enough. This week definitely tested this resolve. Please find few thoughts about treadmill running, podcasts I've enjoyed recently, and some of the images which I'll screen print this coming week.

Running easily on the treadmill (at 2% grade) was a nice break from my normal routine. I've been struggling the past few weeks with how my running mechanics have been changing. I still compensate to protect my left knee at faster paces which means that I'm not able to sustain faster running comfortably or consistently. Running on the treadmill, I don't trust the callibration so I focus on effort and time and throw pace and mileage out the window which freed me up to run at an effort that felt comfortable aerobically and mechanically. This was a good reset to break out of mileage and pace-based thinking. I'd like to shift my thinking around easy runs to focus more on duration versus mileage. I'd also like to continue logging (very slow) miles each week at paces that feel mechanically comfortable to hopefully build back up to faster running without compensation.

On the treadmill and during training this week, I listened to a few podcasts:

Shifting gears, here are a few of the images I created to screen print this coming week:

What do you think about this new logo? Let me know in the comments below

Anyone else struggle to prioritize your needs?

I've been thinking a lot about telling yonsei stories after seeing "No No Girl," a feature length film about a yonsei which I got to see last weekend.

Thanks for reading! How do you practice being good enough?