"We know very well that absolute perfection cannot be attained but we will never stop striving for it." - S.N. Shure

(Saturday, December 5th - Saturday, December 12th)

Whelp, looks like I've already divereged from last week's plan to cover Saturday to Friday by covering an eight day week (Saturday to Saturday) this week.

the run rising behind Mt. Hood from the Tilikum Bridge

Let's stick with how I did on the process steps I’m focusing on this cycle.

Run and recover from my key workouts

a four panel comic about not warming up enough a four panel comic about a track workout and sleep

Where does this leave me? I’m going to keep striving to be more disciplined with my warm ups and workout efforts, for more perfect training. As Mr. Shure said, absolute perfection isn't attainable, but that doesn't mean we don't try!

1) No mindless miles, consider strength (20-30min strength sessions twice per week, 20 pushups daily) or flexibility/mobility work instead. 2) Grow enjoyment and desire to fuel and hydrate well, specifically, two servings of greens and eight glasses of water daily. 3) Grow in disciplined seven hours of sleep daily. 4) Daily flexibility and mobility following runs.

  1. I chose to rest more on Friday which is a win and I intentionally did a second strength workout in addition to my regular Friday (outdoor) group workout.
  2. I tracked my hydration and it definitely improved, but I’m still lagging behind. In particular, it seems there are days I allow work to completely run my life including hydration. I gotta keep in mind that I’ll be a better friend, coach, and employee if I stay hydrated.
  3. My sleep seems to have gotten a bit better. I think hydration and diet have helped a lot. Again, gotta continue to prioritize my basic needs.
  4. Daily flexibility and mobility continues to go well and be a positive addition. I am going to add daily R8 or foam rolling as I’ve been pretty sore this past week. Otherwise my legs are feeling pretty healthy.

Here are some other random things I wanted to share from the week.

a bowl of yu choy and tofu

I went to Hmart this week and got some Chinese greens to diversify my daily green grind. Here's some yu choy with tofu that I made this past week.

Things I'm listening to:

How was your week?