Gotta start somewhere!

(Saturday, November 28th - Friday, December 4th)

Like to think of weeks as Monday through Sunday, but I’m most likely to blog regularly on Fridays or Saturdays so for the purposes of this blog, I’ll be covering Saturday through Friday.

This week, I’m going to comment on how I did on the process steps I’m focusing on this cycle.

Process Steps

Run and recover from my key workouts

a four panel comic about running cross country at Pier Park a four panel comic about a 400m repeat workout

No mindless miles, consider strength or flexibility/mobility work instead and Grow enjoyment and desire to fuel and hydrate well, specifically, two servings of greens and eight glasses of water daily

Grow in disciplined seven hours of sleep daily

Daily flexibility and mobility following runs

20-30min strength sessions twice per week, 20 pushups daily

How was your week?